Saturday, 9 June 2018

Benefits of veg and non-veg food

People around the world consume food based on the availability and supply of the food items. It is important to have a balanced diet that will provide the necessary nutrients to the food. The vegetarian and non-vegetarian food have the same level of goodness as the right amount will provide the human body with numerous benefits. People need to consume the right amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins to ensure good health. The diet plays an important role in the health, life, and longevity.

Vegetarian Food

Vegetarian food avoids the animal flesh, fish, and poultry. The more popular group are the Vegans who abstain from all the animal products including cheese, eggs, milk, and dairy product from their diet. Scientific researchers have shown that the vegan diet is the healthiest of all the others. The benefits of following a vegetarian diet are;
  • The vegetarian diet is low in saturated fat but high in fiber. So, it can boost the cancer-protective phytochemicals to prevent people from getting cancer.
  • The animal-based diet produces arachidonic acid that can cause mood fluctuations. The vegetarians can avoid the arachidonic acid for improving their mood.
  • The vegetarian diet is high in fiber, low in fat, and contains complex carbohydrates. It will help the body regulate the glucose levels as it allows the insulin to work effectively. So, it can reverse or prevent diabetes in people.
  • The antioxidant vegetarian food can reduce the risk of heart disease in people. The non-veg diet has high levels of saturated fat that will increase the cholesterol levels in the body. The fiber-rich vegetarian diet can reduce the cholesterol levels and keep the heart disease at bay.
  • The low-fat vegetarian diet can improve the blood viscosity that will bring down the pressure levels. So, the vegetarian diet is ideal for alleviating high blood pressure.
  • Eliminating the animal protein from the diet and consuming fruits as well as vegetables will increase the urine PH levels. So, it will eliminate the stone formation in the kidneys and gallbladder.
  • vegetarian diet is ideal to prevent the accumulation of excess fat under the skin, so it will prevent obesity in people.

Non-Vegetarian Food

The non-vegetarian diet includes plants, pulses, poultry, animals, etc. It offers plenty of options to the consumers that makes it satisfying. The non-vegetarian food will appease the taste-buds and provide satisfaction to people. It is the source of several vital nutrients for the body and offers numerous benefits like;
  • The non-vegetarian food items are rich in calcium, Vitamin B12, and calcium. The consumption of the food in right amount will ensure better blood and bone health.
  • The non-veg food has Vitamin B complex and other vital vitamins that are necessary to maintain the balance in the body and optimize its functions.
  • The high levels of biological protein in the food make it easier to absorb in the body.
  • The meat and poultry is the rich source of iron that can avoid blood deficiency and ensure smooth brain functioning.
  • The Zinc and selenium-rich non-veg food items will help with tissue formation and improve the metabolism.
  • It can repair and build the body tissues and produce antibodies to protect the body from different infections.
  • The animal proteins in the non-veg food have the amino acids that provide complete nourishment to the body. So, it promotes strong teeth, good vision. Healthy skin, hair, and boost brain development. It improves the immunity and the central nervous system for a disease free body.
Eating the right amount of food at correct intervals is necessary to maintain good health. Irrespective of vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, people need to consume a balanced diet to keep the body fit and fine.

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